4 level data slicer
4 level data slicer

4 level data slicer

You can save specific filter configurations as "Filter Views" and then choose your desired Filter View when you navigate to the Page. Somewhat personal customizations. When a Page Filter is saved, the values selected affect your view only and others do not see the Page Filter values you add. For more information about PDP, see Creating and Deleting PDP Policies. Likewise, if you have access to all rows in a policy, you can choose whether to filter on all data or select specific policies. For example, if you are a member of a policy that can view content only for western states, you can filter only on content that is available to you. If PDP (Personalized Data Permissions) is enabled for the selected DataSet, your filter options are limited to what is available to you based on your policy. All Cards powered by that DataSet would then be filtered to show only the specified information. For example, you could set a filter for all Cards powered by a specified DataSet to show values falling under a specified threshold. In this way you can quickly spot all Cards in the Page in which you have applied filters. All of such Cards with applied filters are marked with a icon. You can use Page Filters to apply data filters that affect all of the KPI, Sumo, and Domo App Cards powered by a specified DataSet in a Page.

4 level data slicer